6D Labs / CQ Extended Tag Library / API / Tags / displayMode

displayMode Tag

Displays the contents of the tag only if the current WCMMode matches a list of display modes or is not in a list of hide modes. One of either the display or hide modes must be specified.

Valid modes are:

  • analytics - The WCM is in analytics mode.

  • design - The WCM is in design mode.

  • disabled - The WCM is disabled.

  • edit - The WCM is in edit mode.

  • preview - The WCM is in preview mode.

  • read_only - The WCM is in read only mode.

  • name - displayMode

  • class - com.sixdimensions.wcm.cq.taglib.ext.DisplayModeTag

  • attributes:

    • displayModes - A comma separate list of valid modes in which to display the contents
    • hideModes - A comma separate list of valid modes in which to hide the contents


<ext:displayMode displayMode="edit">
  <c:if test="${properties.address == ''}">
  	Please set the address!

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