6D Labs / Component Bindings Provider / Installation

Installing Component Bindings Provider

The Component Bindings Provider code is divided into two bundles:

  • com.sixdimenions.wcm.cq.component.bindings.api — The API for the Component Bindings Provider. This should be imported in your projects and installed into CQ.
  • com.sixidimenions.wcm.cq.component.bindings.impl — The implementation of the required services to run the Component Bindings Provider, this must be installed in CQ, but is not required for custom projects.

Supported Versions

The Component Bindings Provider is supported in AEM (Adobe CQ) versions 5.5 - 5.6.1. It has not been validated against newer versions and due to it’s inclusion of the Granite XSS API, it is not compatible with CQ 5.4 or older. If you need a version compatible with older versions of CQ, please create an issue and I will create a specific release.

Installing the Bundles

The latest version of each bundle can be downloaded from the Project Releases page and then installed through the OSGi Console or via a CRX Package.


Additionally, the Component Bindings Provider API is available through the Maven Central Repository. To add the Component Bindings Provider API into your project, add the following dependency into your POM:


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